2024 April PAD Challenge: Day 9

Here’s the 2024 April Poem-A-Day Challenge. Today’s prompt is a two-for-Tuesday prompt.

  1. Write a love poem, and/or…
  2. Write an anti-love poem.
Love or Not?
He loves me. He loves me not?
I sin. I don't do as I ought.
But on the cross, He says He bought.
Salvation's forgiveness that I sought.

I love Him. How can I show it?
I try each day, but usually blow it.
But repentance cleans me, I know it.
The seed of faith will sprout if I sow it.

God's Word, what does it say?
Faith and love He sends my way.
Oh, fleshly heart, open. Stay!
Receive His LOVE every day.

2 thoughts on “2024 April PAD Challenge: Day 9

  1. Oh You know when loves you

    but never mentions the words

    He works all day,

    comes home on time

    He gives you everything you deserve.

    He prays and he believes

    he walks the walk

    His gentle ways

    Are how he talks,

    Ever respectful and listens with concern

    always there to help the kids learn.

    You know he loves you

    but never says those words

    His reassuring tenderness

    is all you’ve ever heard.

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